Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Let's Imitate Reality...Insanity

In the span of a day and a half I have managed to have a make out session with a musician, a bad (but the good kind of bad) dream about another guy, talked to my past for the first time, been told I should come with a warning label, been propositioned, been told I cause guys to make false assumptions and am a tease, been lusted after, planned on a date with a writer, pissed off a few and made another proud of me,

Are we feeling the love? Oh hell yeah.

All you men make absolutely no sense whatsoever. But I tell you right now, you sure make life a whole lotta fun. I can make all of you men mad and happy and horny and insane but the bottom line is this world would be quite boring without all of you. Is one of you out there in this universe capable of keeping up with me? Of understanding me? Of noticing that when I bite my bottom lip or touch my stomach it means I am in the mood? Of knowing what music turns me on? Of loving the fact that I like to dance in my panties and laugh at the world? Is one of you out there capable of being my team? I know one of you is able and capable and willing to keep up with me physically, mentally, sexually, intellectually, and sexually (did I say that twice? Oopsies). I know of one of you will dream with me and yet ground me at the same time. I know one of you will call me out when I am being too cocky but comment on my ass anyway. The options are enticing, some are here just to make me believe it, cause now I finally do, and some are here to lead me into temptation. The bad bad dreams make me giggle. And until I know, life has gotten a whole lot more fun while I figure it out.

For those of you about to rock...I salute you.


Anonymous said...

Men are like shoes, darling. They are an accessory. Try them on, wear the ones who are comfortable and when you wear them out, give them to the Goodwill and go out and pick another pair.

Rachel Heather said...

Well this is true sometimes Rabbit...


sometimes you find a guy who like Manolos. Never goes out of style ,never get tired of em, and impossible to let go ;)

(or Jimmy Choos of course)


Amy L said...

heh i agree 10000% percent w your opinion on men in this post! lol